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The most beginning step in this process Budget may be sometimes over looked early on but vital in the coming steps. A general recommendation in the process would be to obtain a pre-approval letter from a lender or contact a financial advisor on your affordable budget. Also doing market research to see the square footage, location, lot size, and finishes may help in building your budget. 


Finding a lot is challenging in todays market. We have access to various professionals in multiple markets that can assist in the selection process or maybe you already own a lot & are ready to build. Having a lot evaluated can be the difference maker in cost down the road to start your project, we recommend reaching out on this stage to a professional to help guide you in the proper direction. 


Whether you own a plan already or interested in purchasing a set of plans we can assist you during the process. Having access to Archetics, Engeering Firms, Drafstmen & Virtual Design we are confident in our ability to help navigate the Plan & Design process with you. 


The final stage in allowing us to provide you with cost on your build is sometimes the most challenging, having to select final finishes prior to seeing the space is almost impossible. When it comes to finishes we like to have the ability to sit down with you and or interior designer to make selections. Some selections come with budgetary numbers that allows you to pick later on during construction, or maybe your plans already spec all finishes and that's great. Once we are able to make selections for the project we are then able to obtain material quotes and coordinate install methods with our team to provide you with the final cost of construction. 


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